Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Playing the waiting game. I really thought this little baby growing inside of me would follow his/her sisters' example and come out early - but, no - we're still pregnant. Last week was tough because I felt 'sure' this is it several times only to have everything slow down again. But, good things come to those who wait, right? (Who said 40 weeks is best???) I think it helps that I'm trying to change my mindset and not expect this baby early. It takes the pressure off and has really helped me to get through my days feeling a little more productive. I still poop out quickly - and with the contractions still coming through out the day - I get a little grumpy by bedtime - but on the whole I feel a little less overwhelmed. The girls have been crazy - fighting, crying, hitting me, etc - I think they feel the atmosphere of limbo but don't really understand it. But it has been so cute when they come up and kiss my stomach and sing to the baby. So for now we wait...


Aimee Jo said...

Hang in there Suzy! I've been praying for you and thinking about you a lot lately.
I can hardly wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!

Kristi said...

Blessings in this time of waiting. I love you all very much and you are in my prayers.

J. B. said...

I can't wait for the baby to be born! :)

brenda said...

I haven't heard anything yet, but I am hoping your little bundle has arrived already. I am also praying for you and your delivery until I hear otherwise. Good job on the patience, I know it is a difficult thing to deal with!