Monday, April 07, 2008

So yesterday we celebrated Eden's 3rd birthday (along with her Auntie Casey's birthday). Fun times had by all but Eden was just so excited. After dinner she went and sat on the couch just looking at all the presents trying to wait patiently for everyone to finish eating so we could eat birthday cake and open presents. For weeks whenever we prayed Eden thanked God for her friends and for her Birthday cake. Such simple things to be thankful for. And she had no doubt that there would be a birthday cake. Such trust. Such confidence. She didn't ask God for a birthday cake - she thanked Him in advance for the cake she knew would be there. How often do I pray with that same trust and confidence? I ask God for LOTS of things - and I know that He is faithful to hear my prayers - but can I honestly say that I believe wholeheartedly that I will see an answer? I love to pray - I think it is one the best gifts God has given us - to be able to, at any time, communicate with our Lord - to share our hurts, desires, joys, whatever. And for Him to communicate with us. He wants to pour so much into our hearts, lives, spirit - so much wisdom, discerment, love - if we would just come to him - if we would just seek His face - if we would just be still and know. I want to have that childlike faith and assurance about my prayers that Eden has for hers. Whether it be a birthday cake or salvation for several of my family members - I want to thank God in advance - with trust and confidence that He can, and will, do abundantly more than we can ask.


Kristi said...

I was thinking about having a childlike attitude when I was praying for this week and tried a little tantrum for a new method. Please? Please? I really, really want it. Why not? I promise I'll be good! So far, it's a no-go.

brenda said...

Happy birthday Eden! She looks a lot like Anna in that picture to me. I love 3 year olds!

Unknown said...

That was a great story and great thoughts. Tell Eden a very happy belated bday from me!