Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Well really - has it been almost 18 months? I did say that I would blog "sparingly" =) Actually, it took me this long to remember my login and password and finally just had to create a new one. But I'm excited because now I can respond to all my friend's blogs with my comments, thoughts, etc. But I might as well update things a little here. We've settled into the new house - the one we moved into almost two years ago. We've been doing some moving around since we are expecting Baby Tucker to arrive in the next 2-4 weeks. The girls got new bunk beds and daddy put a closet organizer in Kezia's old closet for the girls to share. Kezia thinks its a dream come true since she can now reach all the clothes and changes several times during the day. I'm a little worried about her new fashion conscious attitude and her desire to be pretty - but she is a Princess after all. Hopefully daddy and I can provide a little balance in regards to inner and outer beauty. Oh, the joys of having daughters. Kezia and Eden love jumping into the crib and taking turns being the "baby" - which they now believe will be a boy (that probably will change back to a girl next week =) Of course with me fighting a yucky head cold/sinus infection and contracting all the time the girls are hurting for some serious energy releasers. They look forward to seeing the mailman in hopes of a new Netflix - and yesterday we had a guy look at our heating ducts and you would have thought by the girls' reaction that he came to play with them. Poor things - but as I keep telling myself - this is just a season of life that will pass quickly. Too quickly really and as much as I gripe about feeling miserable, having heartburn, not fitting into anything, swollen ankles, not sleeping, peeing all the time, tired and just plain crabby - there will come a day when all I will remember is how this little bundle somersaulted inside of me and how my little girls put their hands on my tummy and prayed for their newest sibling. Ah, the bliss of mommy amnesia.


Kristi said...

Hey!! So glad to see you on your blog again.

I'll plan on having your girls for some play dates as soon as the two older kids are back from their vacation with Grammy & Grandaddy. Hang in there!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Suzy blogged. Hope you are doing well friend. Can't wait to here about Baby Tuck's arrival!

Cheryl Russell said...

Hello there! I'm excited to have found your blog, thanks to your comment on Kristis' blog! The picture of the girls' is cute! We are praying for you!

Leah said...

Good to see you here! I hope you are feeling well today.

Have fun this week with your mom in town.

Think laboring thoughts, my friend. Let's have a baby!!