Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Has it been 2 1/2 weeks since Jordan was born? Wow - time just keeps on moving! Again - no deep thoughts or wise words. As a matter of fact - I'm lucky if I can remember what day it is and since my watch died three days ago - I'm never quite sure of the time anymore (except for when Jordan wakes in the middle of the night and I blindly look at my clock). As for deep thoughts - my brain feels fuzzy most of the time and Dr.Pepper is once again my BFF. But even through the lack of sleep, fuzzy brain, and squishy butt and belly - the minute Little J looks at me with her big blue eyes I just melt. She is a sweet baby and even her sisters still think she's the greatest. So far Jordan has gone through a bout of jaundice, is battling her first little cold and yesterday was diagnosed with thrush (which explained her unusual fussiness and my stinging nipples). Hopefully, we'll get everything cleared up soon. Of course, there is no way I would have survived the past two weeks without the help of my mom and my wonderful friends and church family. I have heard the "it takes a village" comment a lot lately - and at times it is true. So thank you everyone for all your help with food, prayers, and bedtime routines - you've been amazing!


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you are doing well!

brenda said...

It is so nice to hear from you, sorry the baby is having some issues. It just makes thing more difficult to settle into! Jayda is 6 weeks old and i still don't feel settled. I hope she is sleeping alright for you even through the cold stuffiness.

Cheryl Russell said...

Good to hear from you! Glad that everyone is well despite some small issues with baby J. You are in our prayers! Got your thank you card yesterday - you are amazing for getting that out so fast!